I know at least
some people out there are very
creative, and since I know this I'm very open to suggestions from the
audience. If you want to send me a picture, I just may like it enough
to put it on the site. If you just want to give me an idea or speak
your mind, lemme know! But yeah, if you're interested in that stuff
head over to the "contact us" section and drop either Kurt or me a line.
In "inspirations" you'll learn what influenced us when creating these
masterpieces. It's just a list and don't expect any explanations
any of the items/people/numbers/events that appear there.
And as for the "t-shirts?!?!" section? Well, if demand is high
enough and the goods are liked enough, Kurt and I just may decide to
hand make t-shirts for people! But this is only if I get enough
positive feedback and whatnot, so don't go askin' me mass questions about
these "t-shirts".... at least not yet.