info on the site

homepage         info on us (Kurt and I)         the art!         contacting us         inspirations        t-shirts?!?!

Hello, my name is Kyle Tabor.  I decided that I needed to make my mark on the internet community, and what better way than building a retarded site that will probably be viewed by one hundred people max.?   So, I contracted my buddy Kurt Cobbley and got to work.  ...then a day later I realized the error of my ways and contracted Andy Waggenspack too.  Andy quit 2 days later though.

If you're highly intrigued by the mere mention of the names Kyle and Kurt then you can head over to "info on us" and learn a bit about the artists behind this grand scheme.

Basically my idea was to just make a little site where we could post all of our stupid pictures that we draw (I'm a big fan of MS Paint).  So, that's what you'll be viewing in the "the art!" section, the bulk of the site.  All the stuff in there is done by Kurt and I.  I may open a guest artist section if I get any good art from people out there!

I know at least some people out there are very creative, and since I know this I'm very open to suggestions from the audience.  If you want to send me a picture, I just may like it enough to put it on the site.  If you just want to give me an idea or speak your mind, lemme know!  But yeah, if you're interested in that stuff head over to the "contact us" section and drop either Kurt or me a line.

In "inspirations" you'll learn what influenced us when creating these masterpieces.  It's just a list and don't expect any explanations for any of the items/people/numbers/events that appear there.

And as for the "t-shirts?!?!" section?  Well, if demand is high enough and the goods are liked enough, Kurt and I just may decide to hand make t-shirts for people!  But this is only if I get enough positive feedback and whatnot, so don't go askin' me mass questions about these "t-shirts".... at least not yet.

homepage         info on us (Kurt and I)         the art!         contacting us         inspirations        t-shirts?!?!