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October 27, 2002:   Andy is with us once again, folks.  His section is up and he's got a whole bunch of brand new pictures for your viewing pleasure!  Also!  Fix WIZARD! Clothing is now available!  Go check it out guys.  Enjoy.  :-)
October 10, 2002:  Amazing!  I offer $1 to the first person to tell me who originally made "La Trahison des Images", and only ONE person responds!  KURT!  It's a free $1 people!  You can still win it!  Tell me who's painting that is!  All you have to do is type the title into a search engine... It's simple.  Oh well, if you guys don't want it, I'll keep it.  Anyway, I got a new pic up.  Check it.  I also added a new t-shirt poll!  Take it or die!
October 8, 2002:  Okey dokey, I put all of Kurt's stuff back up, old and new alike.  Enjoy.  And just to let you guys in on a secret... Andy will most likely be rejoining us soon...
October 7, 2002:  Well, I updated again.  I have 2 new pictures by me and 2 by a new guest artist.  "La Trahison des Images" is not an original image however.  The first person to tell me who its orginal artist is will win a free dollar!  Hint:  He's my personal favorite artist... but I don't think that'll help anyone.  Kurt's section is rather bare looking at the moment.  He's reworking some stuff.  And last but not least, I added a couple things to the bottom of this page.  Take a second to check it out.  Until next time, guys!
September 13, 2002:  Ah, yes, here I am again.  I added a picture or 2 (maybe even 3!) by me.  I honestly don't remember now...  My memory's going in my old age.  I hear that happens to old people.  I hear they get shorter too.  I think I'm still about the right height though, thank God!  Anyway, go have a blast and enjoy the pics.  Oh, and one other thing, my host for my poll and counter got shut down for some odd reason.  I'm far too lazy to look for another, no matter how bad I want to.  If any of you out there can help me out, please do so.  You know how to reach me.
August 16, 2002:  Wow... you don't update for a couple days and everyone starts yelling at you...  Haha!  I was off having a kickass summer!  San Francisco, Roadtrip to PA, Lake Livingston, sitting on my ass... The Works!  Anyway, I've added 2 new pictures to my section.  And with school underway soon, I'm sure I'll add stuff more often.  Sorry about the lack of updates.  Enjoy!
June 14, 2002:  Well, Andy has officially left the project.  Back to Kurt and I!  Also... I added more art!
June 11, 2002:  Andy has joined the team as an official artist and huge amount of revisions
June 11, 2002:  Launch!

Hi, I'm Kyle.
This is my webpage.
This is Kurt.  He is going to help me!
kurt helping
Andy is going to help us too!  ...well, not so much anymore.
i am andy

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